I decided to join Oprah's "No Phone Zone." I have seen so many heart breaking stories on the news about accidents that could have been avoided if the driver would have just not been talking on their phone or texting. I tell my daughter she will not be talking on her phone when she gets her licence, so why should I be allowed to also. I have been in the car with people who are texting when driving and it makes me very nervous, and can understand why accidents can happen. I have to admit that several years ago I was in a near fatal car accident, I took my eyes off of the road a moment to put a CD in and rolled my car three times, the only reason I am here to tell you about it is my seat belt. Talking on a phone, texting taking your eyes off the road a minute can mean your life.
I am choosing to do this to save my life and the lives of others.
I totally agree! Not only is there an accident factor but I was coming to an intersection not long ago and the light was green, all the cars were moving but as I was driving up in my lane there was a car just sitting there about 10 cars back from the light - she should have been moving but she sat there texting as all the cars, including myself had to swerve around her. I think that was dangerous too! People just DO NOT pay attention when they try to drive and use their phone in any way.
P.S. I have always followed you but for some reason my little yellow car and I are not up there so I am putting it up there again! Have a super weekend :-D
I'm now following both your blog. Great cause and a much needed reminder to us all. Happy Belated Anniversary! And, again, thanks for visiting and following my blog. I know I'm going to enjoy following and commenting on your blogs. Happy Friday!
great post! so true!!! I am also starting to get into MaryKay but I am not sure how far I want to go with it! stop by
Spread the word girl!! This is such a serious issue that puts all of us at risk, even those who are biking or strolling down a sidewalk.
We just had a 19 year old boy here killed and it was confirmed he was texting when the crash occurred. So sad. On one hand, you want them to have the phone so they can contact someone in an emergency but on the other, we can't trust them not to drive and text.
Jut terrible.
Oh and I dropped by to follow you :)
Thank you everyone for all the blog love, you never know where people stand on this issue!
I feel everyone should have a cell phone with them in case of an emergency, but it is just as easy to pull over and talk it family members have special ring tones. My huband and daughter have thier own tone, I pull over for them, other wise I ignore the call.
Thanks for linking this up!! It is such a BIG problem... and so many think they're invincible and things like this only happen to "the other guys"... SO SAD!!
YOU, my friend, are AWESOME!! ;D
I just wrote about a couple statistics concerning texting while driving at my blog today:
I totally agree, but I think we "get it" because of age and wisdom. My son's gf does it and makes me so nervous when I am in the car with her...it only takes a second...as you experienced.
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