Sunday, November 30, 2008


When I married into Shane's family I was lucky to have some great sister-in-law's. I was however even more fortunate to have one very special sister-in-law. She was married to Shane's oldest brother Dean. Shane has two brother's, one lives in Germany and Dean and Char lived close to us. Char and I became very close, I have been able to tell Char things that I could not tell anyone else. She very quickly became my best friend.
Last night at 12:35 we got the phone call that no one wants. Char had hit a patch of black ice 5 miles from home, she did not survive the accident. I can't even put into words the heartache our family is going through. There is a hole inside where Char use to be, and it won't be filled until I am able to see her again.
I am so grateful for the gospel and the plan of salvation, the blessings that we have through eternal marriage.
I can just see Char smiling down on us, comforting us in her way and being grateful she doesn't have to wear uncomfortable shoes.

Char this one is for you......
"When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure."