Why is it they go from 5 to 15 so stinkin' fast? It seems like just yesterday it was lemonade stands and kindergarten. Now it's EFY, EFY dances, and drivers licence. I remember helping her bear her testimony, and give talks in primary. She does it all on her own now. She is taller than me is more ways than she realizes. I love you Makaila, you have many who have gone before you who want you too succeed and do well, and many who are rooting for the same thing on earth. Don't forget how much your grandpa loves you and watches out for you every single day. He is your guardian angel.
I am grateful I don't have to go to high school now. You are amazing!
Thanks mom, despite your spelling errors! Just kidding, love ya.
Thanks Makaila, spell check didn't work and you should know I don't know how to spell.
I love that she commented on your blog. Typical teenager to point out spelling errors (which I did not even notice) ha ha!
They grow up way too fast. How is they go from Primary to Mia Maids - from crushes on their dads to crushes on boys so quickly.
She is a beautiful girl and it sounds like she is cherished by her mom!!
Looks like your daughter is beautiful inside and out!! What a lucky girl she is to have you for MOM! ;D
I have an award for you on my Sat. Post!! ((HUGS))
Makaila is a beautiful young lady - she is growing up so fast!
MK, I too love you to bits. You are awesome and that is a gorgeous picture of you! Miss you all tons.
Beautiful Post and Blog!
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