On June 24Th 2010 almost two years to the day, I was told my dad had passed away peacefully at home. It is so hard to put into words how you feel about losing the only man you have loved your entire life. My dad was my rock, I would call him with life altering challenges and he would help me realize they weren't so big after all. He had a calming demeanor about him.
As I think back over the last two years we where able to spend with my dad I think of the lessons we learned as a family. I would call him at least twice a week to see how he was doing, he would always turn to conversation onto me, and ask, how are you doing, are you doing well in your church calling, how is Makaila, is Shane enjoying work, are you having family prayer and family home evening, are you reading your scriptures? In the end my dad taught me, he never complained, he only asked what am I suppose to learn from this, I know that on June 24th he learned everything he needed to learn, as he was able to return to his Heavenly Father.
I think maybe his family learned from him, unconditional love, a stronger power of the atonement, and the strength that families are together forever.
I cannot imagine a life without my dad in it. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation. I miss him, and look forward to the day we can all be together as an eternal family.
I watched my father endure, and it helped my testimony grow, at his funeral a quote was read by Neal A. Maxwell " With gospel perspective, we can know that when we endure to the very end, we are actually enduring to the very beginning. Thus, rather than viewing this virtue as delivering us expiring in exhaustion to a finish line, we are brought intact and victorious to a starting line!
I look forward to the great reunion, I can have with those I have loved and lost, but for some reason I look forward to hugging and seeing my dad again the most.
I love you, Tin
Oh, Kristin, I am so sorry. I don't know how people without the comfort of the gospel are able to grieve.
Kristin - I am so sorry about your Dad. He truly sounds like he is a great man. You are so lucky to have had such a wonderful Father.
I love your Testimony here and it is so great to know we will see our loved ones again.
I am sure your heart is hurting. I am sending a {{{hug}}}.
God Bless
Kristin, I too and sorry for your loss. I know you loved him dearly. The Gospel truly is a blessing and knowing that eternity isn't all that far. (((HUGS)))
I've got a "Steel Magnolia Award" for you on my Friday, Aug 6 post! ((HUGS))
What a beautiful post. I love you Kristin. Your amazing dad will be missed and I am so thankful to consider him such a positive influence in my life.
I guess I was logged in on the family account....the previous post was by me, Annie. (Oooops!)
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