The grandsons, grandma loved her mission to Jackson, Mississippi and currently has one grandson on a mission in Chicago, Illinois...........
4 of her grandchildren, I would like to say these are her favorite because I am in the picture
her grandson Craig, her son Robert and her Bishop, Danny Ferguson. It was an amazing funeral
Her grandchild Kathy and great grandchild Miss Nellie, my sister and niece
Grandma's bread, the interesting thing about this is grandma made the rolls and bread for her own funeral this is just the type of person she was. They found the program all made out when they went into her house just after her passing. She had everything planned, paid for and said do not serve ham and had to money to serve different food. She wanted Pepsi served at her dinner and had cinnamon rolls made for all the grand kids.
I already miss the sound of her voice, the way she smells the way she sounds when she laughs. I do now she is in a better place, she is with her family, she can see, run, watch over me until I am with her again. This is what forever families are for. I am so grateful for a lifetime with her.
While in Idaho I watched a movie with my family called "The Student Prince" a song on their keeps coming back to me called "Golden Days"
Golden days, in the sunshine of a happy youth
Golden days, fulls of gaiety and full of truth
In our hearts we remember them all else above
Golden days, days of youth and love
How we laughed with the joy that only love can bring
Looking back through memory's eyes
We will know life has nothing sweeter than its springtime
Golden days, when we're young
Golden days
I honestly thought she would always be around. She was the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, she will me missed.
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. I do love the Pepsi story.
BIG (((HUGS))) 4 YOU!!! <3
What a wonderful tribute to your grandma. She sounds like she was-is a amazing person. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know from personal experience that when we loose ones we love, they still care deeply for us, & they look out for us. I hope that you can find comfort in knowing how much your friends care about you & your family.
I am sorry to hear about your Grandma's passing.
She sounds like one awesome lady and a total Hoot to be around!! Love your memories!
Totally cracking up about all the Pepsi and that she wanted it at her funeral! She probably had some fun chuckles about her plans!
The very last picture is great!
Hi I was just stopping by to share some bloglove! Read your post, sorry to hear the sad news. Your grandma sounds awesome ;)
I lost my grandpa this month and I know the feeling of losing a part of you. I wrote a couple of post I wanted to share with you. Thank you so much for sharing your grandma with us. She was a beautiful woman and so full of love,life and laugher. The perfect grandma!!
http://umengine3.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-grandpanorman-victor-bill.html and http://umengine3.blogspot.com/2010/09/i-was-asked.html
Thank care and God Bless!!!
Oh by the way, this is Julie from julie-thegoingtobenewme but I have two blogs, one life style change and one life in general.
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