When I think back over the years of my dad every memory I have is a good memory. I may not, at the time, loved the drives, or as dad would say; "Let's go drive the loop" but as I think back I can recall the yellow station wagon and all of us climbing in. I remember all the boys sitting backwards in the back and dad finally saying; "NO ONE can touch anyone", I can even think of the music that was playing and have installed some of it on my IPod. I always liked the trips to Swan Valley for square ice-cream cones. The Sunday drives to visit the great grandparents and grandparents, and because of that I was able to have a close relationship with them. I remember burning the weeds at Grandma Moss's house. Running to Ririe to feed the horses and always stopping at the Maverick for a treat. I loved walking home from school and stopping in to see dad at work with my friends and knowing that he would always be willing to take the time to visit. I remember when he was working on an especially difficult case he would always turn to the scriptures. I always admired him for that, they were always open on his desk, and he always told me you can find the answers to any question in life if you ask the Lord and turn to the scriptures.

I have always been able to go to my dad when I had a problem, he never judged or looked down on me. He always made me feel comfortable when I had a problem, I knew I could immediately go to him, I knew he wouldn't make it better but that I could count on his counsel. I have always known I could talk to my dad about anything, and I have found comfort and peace in that.

When I was young I remember that I loved to have my dad rock my every night before bed and I loved to sing with him, my dad has an incredible voice, every night before bed we would sing, "The Fox"
The fox went out on a hungry flight,
He begged the moon to afford him a light,
for he had many miles to travel that night,
before he reached his den-o.
Down in the hen yard the old fox crept.
He grabbed the gray goose around the neck,
and the black duck cried out
quack, quack, quack,
and her legs hang dangling down-o.
Ol' Miss Slipper Slopper jumped out of bed.
Out of the window she popped her head.
She cried Jon, Jon, the gray goose is gone,
and the fox is off to his den-o.
Jon ran up to the top of the hill,
he blew a blast both loud and shrill.
Well I never heard a better tune in all my life,
but I gotta get back to my den-o.
Back there at the foxes den,
the dear little foxes 8, 9, 10.
They never ate a better goose in all my life,
and the little ones picked the bones-o.
I Love my dad. My dad didn't tell me how to live, he lived and let me watch him do it. I wish him a truly happy Father's Day and I will love him forever. I am so eternally grateful for forever families and that I have my dad as part of my forever family. I have a testimony that Christ lives and loves us, that those experiences we go through in this life our for our own good and will give us experience. Dad, I love you, Tin