Makailas before picture. I should note she had just previously cut 10 inches off of her hair for "locks of love", so we were a little nervous as what to do with the shorter hair
We ended up adding some big ringlets and I thought it ended up so cute. She was worried she had 80's hair, I told her I could give her some hairs hair is she wanted some.
We then headed over to a good friend of mine who does make up and she helped her with that part of the evening. Makaila normally does not wear makeup so she was feeling a little nervous about that.
Her dress was a cute sweater dress with a green tank underneath. She had on a owl necklace and earrings. She had some cute green shoes to match the tank. She wouldn't let me post a picture of the whole makeup and hair she was feeling a little self conscious I think (not use to wearing that much makeup) but I thought she looked gorgeous. She went with two of her girlfriends and had a pretty good time. I think it will be a while before we get her to another dance, but that's okay with mom.
She looks beautiful!
Tell Makaila thanks for letting you share her lovely event with us. She loos so pretty... But of course, I've thought that in others pix you've shared, too... I guess pretty is just pretty, make up or no... ;D
I'm a fuddy-duddy mom, too. And I was the one to always wait up and talk to them when they got home. They KNOW if they are late, I WILL KNOW! ;D
At least they'll look back and realize all the things we did do because we love them! (((HUGS)))
Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I thought I was already following you; but I guess I missed a step last time that I visited you. Your daughter is lovely! I'm so happy you could share this special event with us. I'm now your newest follower. I look forward to getting to know you!
I found you on the Friday blog hop. I am now following and would love it if you would follow back, be sure and enter my contest to win a free book!
Have an awesome weekend!
She looks gorgeous! So grown up! I have two daughters and one is nearing THAT age...scares me! (Better to be strict than sorry!)
Thanks so much for coming to visit me! Returning the follow ... :) And I love the new hairdo!!!
I am now following you back thanks to Boost My Blog Friday :) Thanks for joining us today and make sure you check back for new blog design tutorials and other improving traffic tips! Happy Friday!
Thanks for stopping by. Good to meet you. Your daughter looks wonderful. Thanks for being a strict mom. Keep it up.
Adorable daughter and very congenial for letting you share her important night with those of "us" who live vicariously these days. Ha. Thanks for coming by. I will follow you now.
Wanna buy a duck
I'm your newest follower! I'm looking forward to reading more from you and I hope you will stop by and follow me back! Have a fabulous Friday!
Your daughter is very pretty.
Thanks so much for visiting and following my art blog. Hope you enjoy your visits. You'll have to let me know when you get some of your own projects done and posted so I can come by and take a look.
So glad you stopped by my blog. Your daughters hair is adorable. I have two kids in college. One is a junior and the other a freshman. I miss them both. Good luck in the giveaway. Can't wait for your giveaway.
Bravo to your daughter for cutting her hair for a wonderful cause! So unselfish. You must be so proud of her.
I'm so glad you stopped by my blog earlier. Thanks.
Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.
Pretty, Pretty Girl!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my blog. I'm following back!!
She looks super cute!
Thanks for the follow. The Soul Mom is blog hopping through to follow you back!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I am your newest follower!
Thanks for coming by and following me. I am now following you.
Your daughter is very pretty. It looks like she had a great time.
~Naila Moon
PS>I also live here in Mile High, although I am a transplant. :-)
Your daughter looks lovely! It’s wonderful that she donated hair to Locks of Love! I donated 13” two years ago, and it’s a wonderful organization. I’m following you now!
Hi There!
That was so great that your daughter donated her hair!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I hope you have a wonderful weekend :)
Hi there!
I'm following you back. Thanks for stopping by.
She looks gorgeous and we moms have to ruin their fun sometimes, right? It's for their own good. :)
Wonderful that she donated her hair to locks of love also!
So happy to meet you today and I'm following back. I'm looking forward to getting to know you more! :)
WOW! I feel like my comment may get lost in the mix here... and the WOW also applies to Makaila. So grown up and girlie! (Ooo... she'll probably hate that word?!) She does look cute though and dances are super fun. I love the new 'do!
She looked beautiful! The hair turned out great! That's so cool that she donates it to Lock of love, I did that twice, such a good cause!
Thanks for following me, I'm following you back!
Returning the follow from To Spend Or Save.
Love it. Thanks for following Mommy Time Out
How fun! I'm glad she had such a great time. She is beautiful!
i a following back from
I had strict rules like that too when growing up and now I thank my parents for it! I am a better person because of it.
I just found your blog through a Thursday blog hop! Have a great night.
Amanda @
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