March has been a very busy month at the Bahr house. We are doing some deep Spring cleaning, and that means going through every drawer, cupboard nook and cranny in this house. Needless to say I sent my old dishes to Good Will and bought some new dishes and cups, which we were in bad need of. The Highlander was packed on its first trip over and that was only the kitchen and two bags of clothes from our closets. I am so excited to see what else I can find. I have found some interesting treasures while cleaning. I found a stuffed turkey and some Christmas dishes I didn't know I had.

Makaila turned 15! That means 1 more year till she can date guys that look like this. (Dennis is the one with long hair and glasses). She had a fun birthday party. We had some of her friends come over, we did Tokyo Joe's sauce and homemade toppings. It was really good. She got a bass guitar, amp, some new clothes and a new i-pod. This will be her third, we told her this one had better not go through the wash.
Makaila turning 15 also means drivers ed. We are on the fence about this. I have just found out I don't have good night vision (which means I don't have any). It would be nice to have another driver around, it is just hard to believe it will be my daughter. I am not so sure about all this growing up.
She also had her Spring orchestra recital. They did a great job, she is becoming a wonderful musician. She has the violin, guitar, bass guitar and she is trying out the piano. She is fun to have around.
March also means Buble.............................................................................................................................

Naturally 7 opened for him they were amazing and are now a favorite at our house. I loved every minute of this concert. We wish we would of taken Makaila with us when we were there. He put on a great show for us and I would love to be able to see him again. He isn't bad to look at either.

I am just hoping April isn't a let down with all the great things that happened in March. We are hoping for some company and are really loving Spring.
She has a lot of guy friends! Good for her!
Sooooo missing you guys after that post. I am bummed to be out of the loop, (and bummed to not be getting your Good Will pile. I know what good stuff is in there). We need to chat soon. I need to hear lots of details about all this stuff.
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