I love my calling. I get to work with the 4 year olds in Primary. Last week our lesson was, "I am a Child of God." I was searching the Internet for some lesson helps and stumbled on this cute idea on sugardoodle.com. I am lucky enough to have a handy husband who loves to work with wood. He was willing to cut out the wood blocks for me. I did the initial sanding. We painted them and then added the names and the lettering over top that says, I am a Child of God. I think they turned out great. The kids loved them. The lesson went great.
It turned out to be Ward Conference and I had a Stake visitor in my class. The kids behaved very well. The only problem is, they are convinced they lived in Florida before they were born. I think this will be the focus of our lesson for the next couple of weeks.
I told Shane I could also think of a few nieces and nephews that needed these. We will see what happens.
Those are so cute! What a great gift to give the kids - they can keep them in their bedrooms. Very fun!! You sound like a wonderful teacher!!
I sent an e-mail to the one listed on your profile page but it bounced back. Did it change? Mine is cheriebakow@hotmail.com
Oh my goodness, seriously you have got to be the best Primary teacher ever. It would be worth it to fly Cal to you each Sunday just to go to your class. So Cute!
OK you be teachin' me the piano lessons so's that I can do this with Howie!
Love your Primary idea. I think you may be that calling forever....or else the next Stake Primary Prez!
Thanks for the post on my blog.
I'm bettin' that your wishin' you were here cause it's snowing real hard. (do that with a Sam Elliot drawl for full effect)
So....a question....how do you know Cherie? I notice you are a follower. We gots the same taste in friends. She's awesome and actually came here and saw me. Her daughter is going to BYUI and we met up. Small world.
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