I remember not sleeping very well that night, and on the ride to go and see her, the thing I remember most was when we got there our Social Worker told us that if this is not your child, don't take her. My brain was screaming "you have got to be kidding me" I have waited 5 years for her, there is no way we are not taking her. I remember walking into a room and seeing her placed on a table, they told us to redress her. She had long skinny feet, bright red lips and rosy checks, but the most important thing on her body was a small birthmark. My grandpa has passed away shortly before she was born, I asked him to please make sure when our baby came to us I would know that she was ours. I saw that birthmark, (in the same place my sister Liz's is) and new without a shadow of a doubt that she had been sent to the right home. (I think grandpa J. may have helped kick her out.)
My favorite memories are, bike rides up the hill to grandma and grandpa's, eating strawberries out of the swimming pool, eating tomatoes straight from the garden, her great love for her Uncle Dean and Aunt Char, her love for her cousins, (excpecially the one who calls her Mataila) long talks, helping her understand that girlfriends will get better. Her constant love for those who are different that her, and her tolerance and understanding for change, and so many more that makes her who she is today. She is a lovely young woman and I am proud to call her my daughter. I love you Makaila. Happy Birthday.................
What a lovely post, she reallys is great! We love you too, MK.
What a great tribute to your beautiful daughter. Can't believe she is 14.
So sweet! I've heard most of those details, but there were a few new ones for sure. It's definitely an inspiring story. I can't believe she is 14- Happy (belated) Birthday Makaila!
Wow, 14! What a beautiful picture of her.
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