Sorry it is such a dark picture. I am just beginning to realize how short I am. This is mom and I. My mom is an amazing woman. She does so much service for people. I need to look to her and be more like her. She carries herself with great dignity. I think she is beautiful.
Some early Birthday cake for my dad thanks to Lindsay. It was delicious. She had home made chocolate syrup to put on top. Always a winner.
My parents are on their way to visit my dad's mission. He served in the gulf states mission. He wants to head to Shreveport, Louisiana. He said he had some addresses he wanted to look up. I am excited for them. He has talked about doing this for so long. Hopefully they don't cook to death in the heat. It was so much fun to have them come and stay for a night. They look great, and I know they are going to have so much fun.
We had a late dinner with Lindsay, Jon and Calvin. We cooked Hamburger dinners and corn on the cob. It tasted so good.